Hi 👋 I’m a self-taught, full stack software engineer

I am currently located in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland (2 hours from Berlin, Germany) and I’m looking for my first software engineer role.

I am self-taught and am confident in using NodeJS with Express, JavaScript, REST API’s, MongoDB and the EJS templating language.

I am currently building a loyalty card web app for hair and beauty salons using these technologies and am also developing devvek, a place for small business owners to get a fully-managed website for their business for a low monthly fee.

If you have any projects, jobs, or internships and you’re looking for somebody, get in touch!

Latest Thoughts

A place for me to write about my journey, things I’m working on, and generally track my progress. Maybe you’ll find something useful – at the very least, you can learn from my mistakes!